Faith Meets Academia

Episode 7 - Celebrating Growth and Impact

Dr. Adrian Reynolds

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In this special seventh episode of Faith Meets Academia (FMA), Dr. Reynolds reflects on and celebrates the rapid growth of this community. In just seven weeks,  FMA has reached a diverse global audience across four continents, eight countries, and fifty cities. Dr. Reynolds also provides a primer on what podcasts are and how they can enrich one's daily life. Join him as he marks these milestones and looks forward to continuing this enlightening journey.


The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are solely my own and do not reflect or represent the positions, policies, or opinions of my employer, any organization or academic institution with which I am affiliated. This podcast is a personal initiative, and is not connected to my official/ formal duties and responsibilities as a university professor.

Hey friends. Welcome to this seventh episode of Faith Meets Academia. On this seventh episode, I have so many reasons to celebrate. We're celebrating the growth and the impact of this podcast worldwide. This is week seven. Throughout the scriptures, we recognize the number seven as symbolic of significant milestones. And, you know, in life, sometimes we just have to hit that pause button, think about how far we've come, and celebrate the journey. David declares that it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord. And so I'm just feeling so thankful, so grateful to God for how He has allowed me to use this podcast to transform my life and the lives of others.

Yes, when I hear the number seven, I get excited. I think about in the book of Genesis, chapter 2, verses 2 and 3, where God completes His creation in six days and rests on the seventh day. And not only that, but sanctified that seventh day as a day of rest.

I think about the book of Joshua, chapter 6, verses 4 and 5 and verses 15 and 16, where we see the Israelites are instructed to march around the city of Jericho for seven days, with seven priests carrying seven trumpets. And on the seventh day, they are told to march around that city seven times.

And then what happened? The walls of Jericho fell.

Yes, when I hear the number seven, it takes me to the book of Revelation, where we read about the seven churches, the seven spirits of God, the seven golden candlesticks, seven stars, and the seven seals, seven trumpets, and the seven last plagues. Yes, this number seven is often referred to as the number of completion.

However, this is by no means the last episode; there are many more to come.

But I've decided to just hit the pause button and recognize and celebrate how far I have come. In seven weeks, I have reached more people than I have in person. According to Listen Notes, the preeminent podcast search engine, this podcast, Faith Meets Academia, ranks in the top 10% of podcasts worldwide. Milestone achieved through your consistent engagement. Thank you. Each episode has provided you with new insights, perspectives, and practical strategies and tools for a more fulfilling, spiritual, and professional life.

In just seven weeks, this podcast has achieved global reach, with a diverse listening audience across four continents, eight countries, and 50 cities. Now, if you're new to the concept of podcasts, no worries. I got you. Let me break it down for you. A podcast is like a radio show that you can listen to on the internet whenever you want. You can find podcasts about almost anything you're interested in. Podcasts are easy to access.

You can listen to this podcast on your phone, your computer, your tablet—wherever you have internet access. You can also listen on your own schedule. And if you're not finished with a specific episode, you can take a break and come back to it later on and pick up right where you left off.

Unlike traditional shows that have a set time, you can listen to podcasts anytime you want. Whether you're driving, cooking, or relaxing, you can just hit play and start listening. As is the case with most podcasts, this podcast is free. There's no signup, no sign-in, no payment. You can access any episode on any major podcast or digital platform out there—whether it's Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, even Audible. Even if you did a simple Google search, you'd see Faith Meets Academia at the top of the search results. There's no other Faith Meets Academia out there. I would even venture to say that there's no other podcast out there that's doing what Faith Meets Academia does. Well, okay. What does it do?

What is it about? Go to the first episode to hear more. And after that, go to the second episode to hear the rest of the story. The second episode is the first of a two-part series, so after the second episode, you definitely shouldn't miss the third. You could listen to the episodes in whatever order you choose, of course, but that's just my recommendation for the first three episodes. If you're an educator, Faith Meets Academia will definitely resonate with you.

If you're not in the field of education, there are many lessons nonetheless that you will find applicable to both your personal life as a follower of Christ as well as your work life. I'd like to make a few more points before I close. Conventional wisdom says I should have waited until I had four episodes ready to publish before I launched this podcast. And, you know what, I almost went that route. But I'm glad that I didn't. I launched this podcast with just one episode.

Just one episode.

Check it out—episode one.

I know me. Yeah, if I had waited to accumulate four episodes before launching this podcast, I probably would not have even made it to episode three at this point. But guess what? I just took it one week at a time, one week at a time. And now I am on episode seven; you're listening to episode seven. 

What's the lesson here? Here it is: Your success isn't determined by what everybody else is doing or by popular trends. It's not determined based on the achievements of others. It's determined by your unique story, your God-given wisdom—yes, that genius inside of you that has been carved out from your lived experiences, your struggles, your pain, your challenges. So, if you believe that you have a message or vision that the world needs to hear, share it. If you are sold on your own message, your own vision, don't delay. Take it to the world.

In the meantime, if Faith Meets Academia has been a blessing to you, you can leave a five-star rating and/or write a review. And of course, spread the love. Share this podcast with your friends, your colleagues, family, and I'm sure it will be a blessing to them as it has been to you. Until next week, I say in the words of David: "Peace be within your walls, and prosperity within your palaces."